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We all must have at least once in our life gone through the pain of headache. This is one of the most common medical condition which causes severe pain in our head and neck area. Headache mainly occurs due to stress and muscle tension. However, the intensity of this may vary from the symptoms one is facing and can abrupt your daily activities.

Symptoms of Headache

The most common symptoms one may face during headache are:

  • Pain on both sides of the head, which is generally known as tension headache.
  • The second common symptom is severe pain on one side of the head causing nausea which is also known as migraine.
  • And the next general symptom is intense pain over one eye, which usually happens during a particular time of the year.

Causes of Headache

We can categorize the causes of headache in two segments as mentioned below:

Primary Causes, this includes alcohol consumption, stress/tension, dehydration, migraine, cluster etc.

Secondary Causes includes problems like Brain Tumor, overuse of medication, spinal headache carbon monoxide poisoning etc.

Diagnosis of Headache

mfine has the finest of general physicians who will provide you with the best possible headache treatments, through your medical history and symptoms you are facing they will help you examine the type of headache you are going through. Following which considering the situation they will suggest you for further medications.

Treatment of Headache

Doctors here in mfine will provide you the headache treatment after examining and finding out which type of headache a person is going through. Doctors here closely examine and take care of their patients. They also suggest you to take various stress management classes as well as teach you some mild to moderate exercises, which would be helpful for you.

mfine is one such platform where you can get in touch with the brilliant doctors near to your place without much hassle. They not only help you in recovering but also advices you about your future practices and how a healthy lifestyle should be maintained so that you stay fit and fine.

Without any further delays, go get your appointment fixed with the best doctors!

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