Best General Physician in Gurgaon
100 Top General Physicians in Gurgaon listed below

General Medicine Infrastructure in Gurgaon
General Medicine is concerned with the diagnoses, treatment, and management of general health issues; for example fever, malaria, dengue, typhoid, etc. General physicians treat systemic conditions affecting the body.
Gurgaon has hospitals with a dedicated team of general physicians, with varying levels of experience, who are adept at diagnosing and treating general diseases and conditions. These certified general physicians, employed at well-equipped facilities across the city, are experts at diagnosing common diseases, including those for the flu, malaria, dengue, asthma, specific infections, etc.
Various government hospitals across the city offer economical treatment for patients. Some of the reputed government hospitals in Gurgaon include Artemis Hospital, Park Hospital, and Max Hospital.
How to find a good General Physician in Gurgaon?
Gurgaon is a tier 2 city with good availability of general physicians across all areas. To find a good general physician in Gurgaon, you can rely on MFine. We help you connect with the top general physicians from your city.
Step 1: Set your location as Gurgaon.
Step 2: Search for a General Physician.
Step 3: You can set the filters based on experience, language, location, availability, gender, and hospital.
Step 4: You can also sort by earliest availability, the nearest location, and most experienced General physician.
How to choose a general physician?
On the MFine app, you can connect with the best general physician nearby for all general medicine-related problems or conditions. You can select a general physician for yourself based on the doctor’s years of experience, preferred language, gender, and availability.
How to book an online consultation with a general physician on MFine?
To book an online consultation,
- Select the general physician.
- Add patient details like name, gender, and age.
- Start your consultation.
You can also download the MFine app and avail of consultation on the go.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the average cost of general medicine consultation in Gurgaon?
The average cost of a general medicine consultation in Gurgaon is INR 400. The cost might vary based on the severity of your condition.
Should I go to the general physician during Covid?
While cases are currently in control, you can avoid the risk by opting for an online consultation. If you need to visit the general physician in person, wear a mask, maintain social distance, and use a hand sanitiser frequently during your commute.
Can I book an instant online consultation with a general physician in Gurgaon?
Yes, you can book an instant online consultation with a general physician in Gurgaon through MFine. You can sort by earliest availability and connect with the general physician immediately. You will be asked a few preliminary questions based on your condition before the consultation.
Can I book a follow-up consultation with the same general physician in Gurgaon?
Yes, you can book a follow-up consultation. Further, if your previous case is closed, you will get the option of ‘Consult again’.
Step 1: Go to Health files > My consultations.
Step 2: Check the closed case.
Step 3: Select the option of ‘Consult Again’.
How to prepare for a video consultation with a general physician?
Before you begin the consultation session, make sure to sit in a place that is quiet, has bright lighting, and is comfortable.
How can I download the prescription shared by my general physician?
Follow these steps to download the prescription shared by your general physician:
Step 1: Go to My consultations
Step 2: Open the Case
Step 3: Click on the prescription
Step 4: Click on Download PDF
What are the preparations one should do before going for a general physician consultation?
No specific preparations are needed for a general physician consultation. After a consultation, if the physician orders a test or procedure, the healthcare provider in the hospital will guide you through the tests and procedures. Considering the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, make sure you always wear a face mask, wash your hands regularly, and maintain social distancing.
What should I ask a general physician?
Before the consultation, summarize queries and prepare a small note and carry it with you. After the initial consults in the doctor’s office, ask your questions one by one and take advice from the doctor. You can ask about your health condition, the prescription provided, and lifestyle habits to be followed. You can also check on prevention methods to avoid adverse effects. For example, reducing sugar and increasing exercise in a diabetic patient is important.
Can I consult a general physician for emergencies such as snake bites?
Yes, you can. General physicians are trained to manage all kinds of emergency scenarios. They are skilled in handling heart attacks, stroke, pulmonary embolism, and other emergency cases. These include conditions like poisoning, snake bites, suicidal attempts, drowning, and fire accidents. You can always consult a general physician for emergency management. They will provide quality care and support.
Can I consult a general physician for surgical procedures?
General physicians learn minor surgical procedures as a part of their training. Even though physicians learn surgical skills in their academic courses, it is preferred to consult specific specialists. General physicians have vast knowledge in diagnosing and treating health ailments through prescriptions. Other than that, they transfer patients to particular departments for speciality procedures.
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