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Find the answers for the pain in your left leg


Pain, ache, or cramp in the left leg

Painful leg cramps frequently affect one third of 95% adults.

- Most common causes are overuse or injuries in joints, bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, or other soft tissues
- Usually self-diagnosable
- Most cases are acute and short-term
- More common in obese and overweight people

If the pain and swelling are severe, do not wait to see a doctor. Blood clots can be life-threatening.

Ages affected - All ages are susceptible, often 50+ years old.


Symptoms include paining and aching sensations in the left leg and hip.

People may experience:
- Cramping
- Swelling
- Aching
- Weakness
- Numbness


If the pain is sudden, severe, or persistent or if there are other symptoms, please contact a medical professional.

Self-care: Rest the leg and avoid straining it as much as possible for it to heal quicker. Apply ice or heat to the leg.

Medications: For mild aches, taking over-the-counter pain relievers will help you manage the pain.

Specialists: If diagnosed with a condition or injury, seeing a chiropractor or physical therapist will help recover the nerves and muscles. Acupuncture is also efficient in alleviating low back aches. At Mfine we are here to help you with different areas of health issues, including back aches. To strengthen your back and relieve your pain, check out our holistic treatment program.

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