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by Dermatologists


What you need to know about acne

Acne is a condition characterized by inflammation caused on the surface of the skin when hair follicles get clogged with dead skin or excess oil from the skin. It is commonly seen on the face, shoulders, back, and neck. It occurs primarily during puberty. Acne linked to changes during puberty usually subsides or improves when a person reaches adulthood. More than 50% of women in their 20s and around 35% of women in their 30s are estimated to suffer from acne. While this is a very common condition, it’s best you visit an acne doctor near me to get the best acne treatment.

There are different types of acne- blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and pimples. The best acne treatment will depend on the type of acne you have.

Here are some of the features of acne:

  • Eighth most common skin disease
  • Occurs more frequently in women than in men
  • Lab tests and imaging are not required
  • May be acute or chronic depending on the skin type

Acne can break out on the skin for several reasons. Some of them are:

  • An imbalance in hormone levels (in women, hormonal fluctuations around the time of periods lead to acne)
  • Stress
  • Hot and humid climate
  • Bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes may cause acne - keeping your skin clean is the first step towards preventing acne.
  • Certain medication such as certain birth control pills or corticosteroids
  • A diet high in refined sugars or carbohydrates


Most adult acne is identified through symptoms like: redness, swelling, irritation, and deep cysts in the case of cystic acne. If any of these symptoms are severe, consult an acne dermatologist near me from mfine and put your worries about recovery to rest.


Here are the best options for cystic acne treatment and how to choose the best medicine for acne.
Self-treatable: Acne can be treated by home remedies and by doctor-prescribed medicines. The treatment varies from person to person. Over-the-counter remedies may work quickly for some, while others may need medicines prescribed by a doctor. Some of the home remedies for acne include cleaning your skin daily with a mild soap, washing your hair regularly and keeping shampoo away from your face and using makeup that is water-based. It’s important to remember, however, that more serious types of acne might require intensive cystic acne treatment by a professional acne doctor.

Medication: It is best to choose a medication based on your skin type. Medicines like corticosteroids, antidepressants and epilepsy treatments are prescribed by doctors. A skin specialist can help you choose suitable medication including certain formulated medications. An acne doctor will help you choose the best acne and acne scar treatment to help clear up your skin. Depending upon the type of hyperpigmentation or scarring you have, the acne scar treatment could range from topical creams to microneedling.

You should get help from an acne dermatologist near me if your acne is painful and spreads rapidly. At mfine, you can choose from a wide range of experienced dermatologists who are adept in treating a variety of skin conditions.

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