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Pilonidal Cyst With Abscess: All You Need To Kno


When it's infected, a pilonidal cyst will become a swollen mass (abscess).

The most predominate factors associated with recurrence of pilonidal cyst abscess were prolong sitting job, young age group, and high BMI. [1]

- Commonly occurs and often recurs in young men
- Caused by ingrown hair
- Obesity, inactive lifestyle, an occupation requiring prolonged sitting, excess body hair, stiff or coarse hair
- Looks like a large pimple

Pilonidal typically means nest of hair. Doctors often find hair follicles ingrained within a pilonidal cyst on examination. The location of such cyst is near the tailbone (coccyx), the upper portion of the cleft of the buttocks. When a pilonidal cyst becomes infected, it becomes extremely painful and results in an abscess. It can be concluded that ingrown hair is the root cause of pilonidal cyst with abscess.


Reddening of the skin, drainage of blood or pus from an opening in the skin is highly possible, and foul smell from draining pus. Tenderness to the touch.

People may experience:
Pain and fever


Self-care: Keep the area clean, remove hair, lose weight if needed, and avoid prolonged sitting.

Medications/Procedures: Antibiotics and painkillers. Can be drained through a small incision or removed surgically.

Specialists: For other kinds, consult a physician or a dermatologist. At mfine, we have the best team of doctors to help you with different health issues. Contact us to get holistic treatment.

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