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General Physicians

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by General Physicians


Weight Loss and Weakness: What You Can Do to Fix it


A condition resulting from a deficiency of nutrients or poor diet.

Malnutrition contributes to 45% of deaths of children aged under 5 years. (1)

- Self-treatable in most cases
- Medical assistance is needed in severe cases
- Chances of heart and respiratory failure
- Malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST) can be used
Low intake of food and some mental health problems like depression can cause undernourishment. Some digestive problems can also be a contributory factor. In India, poverty is the most common factor for undernourishment.
Ages affected: 0 to 13 - common, 14 to 49 - more common, 50 and above- most common.
Symptoms include lack of appetite, loss of fat, dry and pale skin, hair loss, sunken eyes and hollow cheeks.

People may experience:
Cold, long recovery of wounds, Depression and reduced sex drive.


Self-care – Eating a nutritious and balanced diet with proper calories. Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes.

Medications – Nutrients and fluids are dripped into veins through tubes in severe cases. Drugs with required nutrients, vitamins and dietary supplements should be taken as per your doctor's advice.
Specialists – If there is excessive weakness due to undernourishment, consult a physician or dietician. At mfine, our specialized treatment systems will help you live a healthy life, free from all diseases.

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