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General Physicians

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by General Physicians


We have answers and advice for your constant pain


Fibromyalgia is the condition of widespread musculoskeletal pain.

Fibromyalgia affects around 7 times as many women as men. [1]

Researchers believe that Fibromyalgia is the result of abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system processes pain messages carried around the body. In most cases, the symptoms are triggered by a traumatic or stressful life event.

Some common causes:
- an injury or infection
- giving birth
- having an operation
- the breakdown of a relationship
- the death of a loved one

People affected- typically age 30-50, but is possible at any age.


Symptoms can begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. Symptoms can also begin or worsen for no particular reason.

People may experience:
- Widespread pain
- Fatigue
- Sleep disorders- because of pain
- Cognitive Difficulties- memory & mood problems


There is no cure, but making prioritizing mental health is crucial in alleviating some of the daily symptoms.

Self care:
- Counseling/therapy regularly
- Exercising regularly
- Practicing meditation and breathing exercises regularly

- Antidepressants that are prescribed by a doctor
- Pain killers

Seeing a therapist or being a part of a counseling or support group of people also affected, are very beneficial in coping with and managing fibromyalgia. Identifying and working through the pain and trauma, both physical and mental, will ease the severity of the symptoms. In addition to a therapist or support group, we at mfine also care deeply about your well-being. Please check out our holistic health program and let us help you.

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