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Viral Exanthems-Symptoms and Treatments


Viral exanthem is also known as non-specific viral rash, which is caused by a viral infection. It is usually the body’s response to a virus.

Approximately, 80,000 children in India die due to viral exanthems, which amounts to 4% of deaths of children that are under the age of 5.(1)

Viral exanthems are
- Common in children and young adults who are not immune to common viral infections
- Curable with proper medication
- May last for a few days to weeks
- Laboratory tests might be required depending upon the intensity, imaging might not be required

The age of a person, duration of illness, and a few other symptoms usually suggest which virus is the cause of the viral rash. Respiratory and stomach (gastrointestinal) viruses are the other common causes of such rashes.


The most common symptoms of viral exanthems are as follows:
- Widespread rashes varying from pink to red color
- Bumps on the trunk, arms, and legs
- Rashes may or may not be itchy
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Aches and pains
- Irritability


Self-care: Mild symptoms of the viral rashes usually do not need treatments. However, applying calamine to a child’s body, trimming their nails regularly, and giving them a bath in lukewarm water can help control the rashes or even cure them.
Medication: Doctor should be consulted if there is a severe headache, unconsciousness, severe cough, fever over 101 degrees, and a rash that is bright red in color. In such cases, doctors may prescribe acetaminophen, which reduces fever and aches, and NSAIDs, which will help reduce swelling.
Specialists: For other severe kinds, consult a physician at the earliest. We at mfine can help you with various fields of health issues. You can get in touch with us onboard for a holistic treatment program.

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