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3. Erythema Nodosum: Could your leg-rashes be more than skin deep?


Inflammation found in the deep, subcutaneous layer of skin

Sarcoidosis is the cause of 10-11% cases of erythema nodosum.[1]

1. May occur with or without associated conditions
2. Conditions related to the erythema include certain hormone-based medication, strep throat, cat scratch disease, fungal disease, sarcoidosis, inflammatory bowel diseases
3. Rare cases might present vaccine-associated Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum is a skin inflammation found in the fatty layer of the skin, found beneath the epidermis and dermis. The disease presents itself in the form of eruptions that are modular and have lesions in the lower part of the leg, usually closer to the knees.

Ages affected: Commonly found among children and patients over 70; most cases in people aged 18-34


Self-diagnosable: Presentation of red rashes and lesions near the bottom of the knees; a bruise-like appearance of the affected region

Patients might suffer: Some of the common signs of erythema nodosum are
- Fever preceding development of painful lesions on the anterior part of the legs
- Lesions accompanied by swelling in the ankles and aching legs
- Lesions which are initially hard, tense become fluctuan and develop into abscess within a week [2]
- Continued appearance of lesions for up to 3-6 weeks


Self-care: Careful observation of the underlying problem, along with skin lesions. Care must be taken regarding the duration of the lesions, especially in segregated or idiopathic cases

Medication: Anti-inflammatory drugs, along with injection or by-mouth intake of cortisone. Associated-disease must be treated with necessary medication, including antibiotics

Specialist: Persistence of the lesions, whether accompanied by an associated condition or individual must be brought to the notice of a medical practitioner. Usually, treatment begins with physical examination or even a biopsy in serious cases
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