Multi Speciality | Established 2018-10-31
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About eAarogyaKendra
eAarogyaKendra Begur is accessible to communities living in village Begur and 6 adjoining villages in Hoskote, Bengaluru (R). The goal of the project is “to improve the health status of the rural communities”. The Kendra is manned by General Physicians, Paramedics and Social Work Professional. The Kendra also provides basic medicines and diagnostics. Specialist Doctors consultation is facilitated through telemedicine technology. For teleconsultations, the centre is connected to telemedicine Command Centre of RxDx in Whitefield, Bengaluru, an NABH Accredited chain of premier multispecialty clinics."
eAarogyaKendra is an eHealth Project under the Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) programme of Akzo Nobel India Limited. It is being implemented by Telerad Foundation, a not-for-profit.
Begur, , , Begur, Bangalore - 562114 Phone 080674 58111
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