Obesity Assessment Package in Ghaziabad
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What is obesity and the importance of obesity risk assessment?
Obesity is a health condition that is caused due to the excessive accumulation of fat in the body. Although being obese can cause body image issues, there are many adverse medical conditions to keep in mind that can be dangerous. There is an increased risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases, diabetes, liver disorders, infertility and stress leading to depression. It is important to deal with overweight problems immediately so as to manage your weight and stay healthy. Thus, obesity risk assessment is vital to understand the causes of being overweight and resort to effective measures to deal with obesity.
What causes obesity?
Most causes of being overweight are due to lifestyle issues like unhealthy eating habits, lack of sleep, lack of exercise and stress. However, there are certain medical conditions that can be potential causes of overweight like improper metabolism, high levels of thyroid, certain medications, and intake of steroids. These reasons have to be addressed and this is why you should consult with general doctors for effective treatments.
What are the tests included in obesity risk assessment?
An obesity risk assessment package includes tests to analyse if there are any medical problems causing obesity. It also checks if other obesity-related problems are under control. Following are the tests included in the package: Organ assessment: This is done to check if the kidneys and thyroid glands are effectively functioning. Being obese can damage the kidneys either via causing diabetes or hypertension which can lead to chronic kidney disease(CKD) or by directly leading to the development of CKD. It is seen that hypothyroidism or changes in thyroid-stimulating hormones can lead to weight gain. Thus, it is essential to evaluate the functioning of organs for early diagnosis and cure. Stress hormone check: Stress is one of the major causes of being overweight. When we experience high levels of stress, the hormone cortisol is released and studies show that this hormone increases the risk of obesity and other related ailments. Cholesterol & sugar check: High cholesterol levels and high glucose levels shoot up when one is obese. Obesity risk assessment analyses cholesterol and glucose levels so that you can keep a check on your number and prevent further complications. It is seen that there is an increased HbA1c levels in people who are obese. These risk factors are analysed along with general diabetic profiling. Deficiency check: Being obese can lead to a deficiency in vitamin D and vitamin B12. These vitamins help maintain healthy bones and formation of red blood cells and nerve health respectively. Analysing such deficiencies earlier can help in opting for certain preventive measures, if needed. If you have any overweight problems, immediately book an obesity risk assessment and get your reports checked with the best doctors.
How do you prevent obesity?
Obesity can be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes which includes a healthy diet plan, regular exercise, proper sleep pattern and stress relief. Another aspect is to monitor your health using regular full body checkups to see if there are any deficiencies and health problems related to obesity. Keep track of your weight to avoid health risks of being overweight. Most importantly, understanding the risk of being obese solves a majority of the problems. Therefore, get your obesity risk assessment done at mfine and talk to expert doctors in city_name_label to know what you have to do to reduce the extra calories. Once you book a package, medical professionals from lab_label will come to your doorstep to collect your samples. You reports will be available online in 48 hours. Talk to general doctors in city_name_label to stay fit and healthy forever!
For further assistance
Frequently asked questions on Obesity Risk Assessment
Are MFine's lab partners NABL accredited?
Yes, all our lab partners are NABL (National Accreditation Board of Testing and Calibration of Laboratories)-accredited labs. Thyrocare, Prima Diagnostics, Neuberg, Healthians, to name a few, are our top lab partners. Most of our lab partners have state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities for diagnostic tests.
Can I avail at-home sample collection for Obesity Risk Assessment on weekends?
Yes, we provide sample collections on all days of the week. The timings can vary based on the test, and tests that require 8 to 10 hours of fasting may have morning slots.
Is fasting required for Obesity Risk Assessment?
Yes, it is necessary to remain empty stomach before collecting the blood samples and other tests. You should not have anything except water before 10 hours of sample collection to get the best Obesity Risk Assessment results. Nevertheless, it is always recommended to consult your healthcare provider for other special instructions that you might have to follow.
What samples are collected for Obesity Risk Assessment?
The Obesity Risk Assessment package includes a general physical examination for analyzing whether the person is suffering from certain medical issues that can cause obesity. The tests also check whether obesity-related issues are in perfect control. Blood samples are collected for sugar and cholesterol checks, vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiency checks, and for monitoring other vitals like blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature.
When will I receive my test results for the Obesity Risk Assessment?
You will receive your test results within 48 hours of sample collection. You can download your reports on the MFine web and app platforms.
Will I get the result interpretation for my test results?
You will have a free doctor consultation along with your test results for the Obesity Risk Assessment. Our senior doctor will help you understand your results accurately and advise medications and lifestyle changes wherever required.
Which is the best place in India for Obesity Risk Assessment?
There are several agencies and healthcare centers that offer the facility of Obesity Risk Assessment. However, it is always very important to carry out proper research before deciding on the right place in India for Obesity Risk Assessment. For the uninitiated, many individuals in this category are choosing MFine for the assessment.
Can Obesity Risk Assessment detect cancer?
No it will not help detect cancer. It is always advisable to follow up with a doctor and undergo further testing to assess cancer risk .
Obesity Risk Assessments vs. other assessment packages
While many other assessment packages can help determine whether a person is overweight or obese, the Obesity Risk Assessment package is best to bring out the most accurate results.
Are there any risks concerned with the Obesity Risk Assessment?
No, there are no risks involved in undertaking Obesity Risk Assessment. There are no risks involved in getting blood tests done. Of course, you will have to go through a bit of bruising and mild pain at the spot where the needle for the blood test goes in. But the majority of the signs reduce very quickly.
What do the assessment results mean?
The results of the assessment might show that you fall in any one of the categories below:
- Healthy weight
- Underweight
- Obese
- Overweight
- Severely obese
Your blood samples might show hormonal disorders and your chances of suffering from diabetes as well. The best is to consult your healthcare provider about the assessment results and what they mean in detail.
Are there other things I must know about the Obesity Risk Assessment?
If your Obesity Risk Assessment results show that you are overweight or obese, have a word with your doctor about the different treatment options you can avail yourself of. There are different ways of treating obesity. Nevertheless, the treatment option that serves best for you will depend on the cause of your weight problems and the amount of weight you need to lose.
Can prescription weight loss medicines help in controlling obesity?
There are some cases where doctors may suggest using prescription weight loss medicines for treating obesity. It is important to note that medicines are not a replacement for exercise routine and diet change. Use them along with the right program for exercise and diet to help you get in shape all over again.