Cost of HRCT Scan Chest in India
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What is the HRCT Scan test?
The High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) Scan is a non-invasive and painless test. It makes use of narrow beams of X-rays to get an accurate image of your body. HRCT is an advanced version of a routine CT scan, hence, uses the same CT machine. Instead, the imaging parameters are much more precise and detailed than a routine CT scan. An HRCT scan helps to provide high-resolution images of the lungs. It provides an accurate and high-definition image of the lung anatomy as well as the flow of air through them. This is used by the diagnosing physician to make an accurate assessment of lung conditions.
Why is the HRCT Scan test done?
Your physician usually orders the HRCT scan if they suspect potential diseases that can affect the lung physiology, such as:
- Interstitial lung disease
- Cystic lung disease
- Small airways disease
- Bronchiectasis
- Pulmonary fibrosis
- Emphysema
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonitis
- Chronic Pulmonary vascular disease, etc.
HRCT is one of the main diagnostic modalities for COVID-19 infections.
Apart from diagnostic purposes, miscellaneous uses of the HRCT test include:
- To monitor the functioning of the lungs
- To detect any abnormal growth or tumor in the lungs.
- To determine the site for lung biopsy
- To screen before organ transplantation surgeries of the lungs
Who should get the HRCT Scan test done?
HRCT Scan tests can be done by men and women of any age group. They are typically ordered by the doctor in case they suspect lung diseases, airflow obstructions, or other purposes as advised. If you are currently undergoing treatment for any infections such as COVID-19 or pneumonia or other lung-afflicting disorders, the doctor may advise you to get repeated HRCT scans in order to monitor potential damage to the lungs, or just to measure the effectiveness of the therapies prescribed for them. HRCT scans are also recommended to determine the sites for lung biopsy if the doctor suspects you have any tumor-like growth.
Disclaimer: It is advised to always consult your doctor to interpret the test reports.
What precautions should I take?
- Please follow the instructions suggested by your doctor
- Inform if one is on any medications or if any ongoing treatment is going on
- Show your old reports, if any
- Inform if one is pregnant / breast-feeding / menstruating.
What does the HRCT Scan test measure?
The HRCT Scan test is an advanced Computed Tomography or CT scan. A CT scan typically requires you to be projected with X-rays. It is a non-invasive process where the X-rays projected onto you will be either absorbed or reflected by the regions of your body, depending upon their nature. These X-rays are measured by a scanner that is attached to the rotating CT machine. The recorded X-rays then are converted into a visualisation of your internal organs, which is assessed by the lab technician, radiologist, and physician in order to make the correct diagnosis depending on what the images portray. Primarily, an HRCT scan focuses on getting detailed and high-resolution images of your lungs.
What are all tests included in the HRCT Scan test?
An HRCT scan test consists of the High-Resolution Computed Tomography, i.e., HRCT scan, which provides a precise and accurate visualization of your lungs. Depending on the results of this test, you may be advised to undergo other scans.
HRCT Scan test Preparation
To prepare for an HRCT Scan, reach out to your advising physician and the lab technician. They will guide you with the exact requirements for preparation. Apart from that, some general tips you must take care of are:
- Arrive early, so the lab technician can take care of any additional instructions
- Remove all the metal jewelry and valuables from your body before going for the test. This includes piercings.
- Any electronic devices will not be allowed within the premises of the test area
- Avoid consuming anything for at least 4 hours before the test
- Carry your doctor’s prescription with you
- Do wear comfortable clothing
- You may be asked to wear a hospital gown before undergoing the test
Apart from these, you can reach out to your physician for specific instructions on your diet or medicines.
HRCT Scan test Procedure
- Before the test begins, the lab technician will ask you questions about your medical history.
- After that, they will take you to the testing room, guiding you on the instructions. Do ask them any questions you have.
- If your physician has advised for a contrasting dye in the scan, this dye will be injected. You may experience a warm sensation after this dye is injected. It is normal.
- If you experience any sneezing or rashes after this, report it to the lab tech immediately.
- After that, the lab technician will ask you to lie down on a bed in front of a huge circular machine. This is the CT scan machine.
- You will also be asked to lie down on your stomach as the machine takes pictures. The table will slide into the large circular machine.
- You will be asked to hold very still and, at times, to hold your breath for sometime.
- This procedure usually takes between 15 and 30 minutes.
- If you have claustrophobia or anxiety about having to lie down in this machine for so long, you can ask your doctor for sedation or other calming medications.
What to expect after the HRCT Scan test is done?
- After the test, there are no restrictions you need to practice. You can eat and drink what you like.
- However, if the contrast dye was injected into you, you will have to consume around 2-3 liters of water to flush it out of your system.
- Your reports will be processed by the lab technologist and radiologist, who will send them to your physician.
- Your physician will look into the reports and make the diagnosis.
- You will be able to access your CT scan reports on the MFine app.
When will I get the HRCT Scan test report?
The HRCT scan test report will be available for download within 48-72 hours. The physician will study the scans and discuss with you the implications of the report. You will be able to avail of a free consultation with a senior doctor when you book this test using the MFine app. The doctor will prescribe further tests or medicines depending on their interpretation of the reports.
Disclaimer: The time of report delivery may vary based on your condition and the availability of the radiologist.
How will I get the HRCT Scan test report?
The HRCT Scan test will be available in the form of a physical copy and a compatible computer file. It looks like just another X-ray report. You can also access your report on the MFine app or website.
How to interpret the HRCT Scan test report?
An HRCT scan report looks just like an X-ray report. However, you will not interpret anything from them, as it requires years of expertise in reading CT scan reports. Therefore, please consult your advising physician for an interpretation of the reports. You will receive a free consultation when you book the test on the MFine app or website. You can use that to get an accurate interpretation of your test reports.
Is there any risk involved?
There is no risk involved in getting an HRCT scan test done. However, you have to be very careful of getting all metal jewellery removed before going for the test. This includes piercings as well. Otherwise, the HRCT scan is a non-invasive and straightforward procedure that takes detailed pictures of your lungs, hence, involves no risk.
If you are pregnant, it is advised to avoid opting for an HRCT scan if possible. You can discuss alternative testing options with your consulting physician in such scenarios.
What equipment or instruments are used for the HRCT Scan test?
An HRCT scan test is an advanced version of a regular CT scan. It uses the same CT scan machine. You will be asked to lie down on a table which will slide into the large circular scanner. Other than that, there is no equipment involved. Sometimes, the doctor may recommend a contrast dye for the HRCT scan, which may involve you being injected with the dye using a needle.
How long does the HRCT Scan test take?
The HRCT scan takes from 15 to 30 minutes to get a thorough and detailed image of your lungs. You will be asked to lie on the table supine position when the scan is being processed by the CT machine.
How do I book the HRCT Scan test through MFine?
For further assistance
Frequently asked questions on HRCT Scan test
Is the HRCT scan safe for children?
The HRCT scan is safe for all men, women, and children. If you opt for an HRCT scan for your child, the radiologist may use a different, smaller machine, which exposes your child to much less radiation.
I am pregnant. Can I go for an HRCT scan?
The HRCT scan involves exposing the patient to ionizing radiation, which helps capture the images of their lungs. It is usually advised to avoid the HRCT scans for pregnant women for the same reason. However, you can discuss advanced options with your doctor in this case.
Can I drink water before going for an HRCT Scan? 
You can consume water to be well-hydrated before going for this test. However, preferably avoid consuming any other liquids or alcohol. Do reach out to your physician for any specific dietary restrictions before going for the test.
Do I have to fast before an HRCT scan?
You do not have to keep an overnight fast, but it is advisable to avoid consuming anything for at least 4 hours before the test. If you are diabetic or suffer from low blood pressure, you can reach out to your physician, who will better guide you on your fasting requirements in such cases.
Is the HRCT scan painful?
No, the HRCT scan is a painless and non-invasive procedure of scanning your lungs for optimized high-resolution images. It does not involve any painful tests. However, if the doctor recommends the addition of a contrast dye, you will be injected with the dye using a needle. This could be a slightly painful process but does not last long.
What is the HRCT Scan for COVID?
An HRCT Scan is performed to obtain high-resolution and precise images of your lungs. Since the COVID-19 infection affects your lungs, it is used to realize the extent of any damage done to your lungs by the infection. It is also used to rule out the possibility of COVID-19 induced pneumonia.
Why would a doctor recommend an HRCT scan?
An HRCT scan provides great insights into the physiology of your lungs. Depending on the potential disease they perceive, a doctor may recommend you to get an HRCT scan for better treatment modalities. An HRCT scan can detect mild to severe infections of the lungs such as emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.
What is the difference between a CT scan and an HRCT scan?
An HRCT scan is much more precise than a CT scan. The HRCT scans take images of your lungs at much closer intervals, without any gaps, than the CT scans do. A CT scan takes images much faster than an HRCT scan, but an HRCT focuses much more on each area. This allows for a much more detailed and accurate image of the lungs.
Which is better for lungs - MRI or HRCT?
A CT scan is overall the preferred tool due to its speed and inexpensive nature for a faster diagnosis. However, MRI scans are preferred in areas the CT scans cannot provide much insight. For the lungs, HRCT scans can provide more precise images than a CT scan but are comparatively less expensive than an MRI scan.
What do healthy lungs look like in an HRCT scan?
If no contrast dye is used, healthy lungs will look completely black on a CT scan. However, please do not interpret any HRCT test reports yourself, as they require years of expertise to be interpreted correctly. Please avail of the free doctor consultation you’ll get when you book the test via MFine.
What is a normal HRCT score? 
Different labs go by different readings for HRCT scores for COVID-1. However, most scores are considered between 1-40 or 1-25. A higher score on this scale typically suggests greater lung involvement and high COVID severity.
Is HRCT scan definitive of COVID-19?
The Indian Council of Medical Research, i.e., ICMR, has advised on rational use of HRCT scans to screen COVID-19 infections. HRCT scans are not definitive of COVID-19. The only test that is definitive for COVID-19 is the RT-PCR test.
Are HRCT scans worth it?
An HRCT scan is significant in identifying major pathophysiological symptoms of lung ailments like emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, COPD, pneumonia, tuberculosis, scarring of the lungs, etc. If your doctor has advised an HRCT test, please book one right now using the MFine app or website.
Will I get the HRCT scan results immediately?
The images taken by the HRCT machine need to be appropriately translated into a report by the radiologist and the physician. Depending on their availability and the time required for this, it can take up to 48-72 hours to get the reports of the HRCT scan.
Can lung cancer be diagnosed using an HRCT?
An HRCT can be used for screening cancerous tissue in the lungs. However, it is not definitive for malignancy detection. Only a biopsy can confirm whether a particular tissue is cancerous. An HRCT scan can, however, help the doctor narrow down the location for the biopsy.
Disclaimer: The content is uniquely informative and is meant for educational use. Kindly use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified or registered healthcare provider.