Cost of Chest X-Ray AP View in India
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What is a Chest AP X-Ray View?
Chest AP X-Ray View is a painless and non-invasive test. It offers a detailed anteroposterior X-ray image of the chest and its different internal structures. The test helps visualize the image of the lungs, food pipe, diaphragm, and heart. The bones appear white in this X-Ray, while the other soft tissues appear dark. The chest image is recorded on a special X-Ray film using only a bit of radiation. The actual time of exposure to radiation is generally less than one second. However, the test might take around 15 to 20 minutes.
Why is the Chest AP X-Ray View done?
Your doctor might advise you to undertake the Chest AP X-Ray View tests for detecting different conditions and ailments. The test is usually performed for detecting:
- Fractures and injuries in the chest area;
- Heart enlargement; fluid around the arts and heart valve issues.
- Abnormal growth of tumors in the chest wall; can include breastbone, collar bone, shoulder blade, and ribs.
- Perforation of the diaphragm;
- Suspected congenital disabilities related to the internal organs in the chest or the structures of the chest wall.
- Pathologies related to the food pipe. These can include food pipe inflammations, abnormal growth, and infections.
- Lung diseases such as infections and pneumothorax or presence of air between the chest wall and the lungs.
Who should get the Chest AP X-Ray View done?
Men and women of almost all ages can go for this test. Nevertheless, it is important to note that when patients are not doing well and are unable to get into the right position for a chest x-ray, it is then that a Chest AP X-Ray View is done. The patients might be unconscious on ITU or Intensive Treatment Unit or tubes and catheters for monitoring and life support. It might also be possible that the patient is generally sick or has certain physical and learning disabilities. Even barrier-nursed patients, like the Covid-19 patients, can be ordered to undertake the Chest AP X-Ray View.
Disclaimer: It is advised to always consult your doctor for interpreting the test reports.
What precautions should I take?
- Please follow the instructions suggested by your doctor
- Inform if one is on any medications or if any treatment is going on
- Show your old reports, if any
- Inform if one is pregnant / breast-feeding / menstruating
What does the Chest AP X-Ray View measure?
The Chest AP X-Ray View test provides the x-ray image of the anteroposterior view of the chest wall. AP or anteroposterior view test is a type of chest x-ray not widely preferred by doctors. This is because the image of the mediastinum and the heart is not very focused and clear through this x-ray. For obtaining an AP view, the patient is requested to stand with their back against the film. If the patient cannot stand, an AP view is also taken by asking the patient to supine or sit on the bed. This comes as a great alternative to the PA view chest x-ray and works for unwell patients to an extent where they cannot stand or even leave the bed. The AP view chest x-ray examines the bony thoracic cavity, lungs, great vessels, and mediastinum.
What all tests are included in the Chest AP X-Ray View?
The Chest AP X-Ray View is itself attested for examining the lungs, the chest, and the other internal structures of the chest and the ones surrounding the chest. It is an x-ray conducted at a diagnostic center, and there are no other tests included in the Chest AP X-Ray View.
Chest AP X-Ray View Preparation
First and foremost, patients should inform their doctors if they are breastfeeding or pregnant before undertaking the Chest AP X-Ray View. The staff at the diagnostic center and even your doctor should know about any implants, vascular stents, pacemaker devices, or other devices that you might be having in your body. Patients cannot carry any metal object or electronic device where the test is conducted. Patients might also be requested to remove their jewelry before the test. They might be provided with hospital gowns before the test. Patients should also inform their doctors about their medicines before undertaking the test.
Chest AP X-Ray View Procedure
The licensed and certified lab technician at the diagnostic center will be guiding you properly on the test procedure.
What to expect after the Chest AP X-Ray View is done?
After the AP view x-ray of the chest, patients can resume all their daily activities. The x-ray generally does not have any side effects. Nevertheless, if you are injected with any contrast medium just before the x-ray, it is advisable to drink lots of water to get rid of the same. You must consult your doctor if you have swelling, redness, or pain at the site of the injection.
When will I get the Chest AP X-Ray View report?
Chest AP X-Ray View is a non-invasive and quick procedure done either at a diagnostic center or at a healthcare provider’s office. During non-emergency situations, the report for this test is available within one or two days. But if there’s an emergency, then reports can also be availed within hours of conducting the test.
Disclaimer: The time may vary based on your condition and the availability of the radiologist.
How will I get the Chest AP X-Ray View report?
You can get the report of your chest AP view x-ray either online or by visiting the diagnostic center where you had the tests conducted. You will be able to download your reports through your MFine web or app login as well.
How to interpret the Chest AP X-Ray View report?
A trained doctor and radiologist experienced in supervising and interpreting radiology examinations will be analyzing the chest x-ray images. The radiologist’s job is to send a signed report to the diagnostic center or refer a physician who will be discussing the results with the patient. The patients might require a follow-up examination. In that case, the doctor will explain why this follow-up examination is needed.
Most of the time, follow-up examinations are required to evaluate further a certain potential problem with special imaging procedures and more chest views. Follow-up examinations might also be needed to see whether there have been any changes in the problem over time. These examinations are also useful in determining whether the treatment offered is beneficial or not and whether the condition requires more attention.
Is there any risk involved?
Doctors agree that over-exposure or regular exposure to even a small amount of radiation produced during an Chest AP X-Ray View can result in problems. Doctors do not recommend this and other x-rays for pregnant women. That’s because the radiation can be harmful to unborn babies. This is why pregnant women need to inform their doctors about their pregnancy before undertaking the test.
What equipment or instruments are used for Chest AP X-Ray View?
The Chest AP X-Ray View is conducted in a special room consisting of a movable x-ray camera attached to a huge metal arm. The patient is asked to stand beside a plate containing x-ray film or a special sensor used to record the chest images on a computer. The patient wears a lead apron to cover the genitals. The x-ray technician instructs the patient on the right way to stand and then records the chest’s both side and front views.
When the chest images are taken, the patient has to hold their breath so that the chest stays still completely. If, by any chance, the patient moves, the images will turn blurry. When the radiation goes through the patient’s body onto the x-ray plate, denser materials like the muscles and the bones of the heart appear white. Once the images are captured, which takes approximately 20 minutes, the x-ray of the chest AP view is complete. The patient can change back into their clothes once the x-ray is complete and further do their regular activities.
How long does the Chest AP X-Ray View take?
The entire Chest AP X-Ray View examination, starting from the positioning to getting and verifying the images, generally takes 15 to 20 minutes. Your doctor can also recommend additional views within hours, months, or days to evaluate the chest changes.
How do I book the Chest AP X-Ray View through MFine?
For further assistance
Frequently Asked Questions about Chest AP X-Ray View
What are the disadvantages of the Chest AP X-Ray View?
The Chest AP X-Ray View offers a clear view of the chest and its internal structures and bones/. Nevertheless, it does not offer a clear view of the different soft tissues such as the muscles, tendons, and fat tissues under the skin. Also, the complex spine injuries and bone microfractures are not visible clearly through the x-ray images. Besides this, the patient undertaking the Chest AP X-Ray View is exposed to radiation. But the main point here is that the benefits of this test outweigh the disadvantages on offer.
Who interprets the results of the Chest AP X-Ray View?
A radiologist interprets the results of a Chest AP X-Ray View. The radiologist reads or analyses the x-ray images and then prepares a complete report of different findings. The report is then shared with the patient.
What is the patient's position in the Chest AP X-Ray View?
The patient remains upright during the Chest AP X-Ray View with their back against the image receptor. The patient’s chin is raised so that it remains out of the image field while the hands are positioned at the side. Shoulders remain depressed from moving the clavicles just below the lung apices.
Are Chest AP X-Ray View and X-Ray Chest PA View the same?
No, they are different. In Chest AP X-Ray View, the x-ray passes from anterior of the body to posterior, while in X-Ray Chest PA View, it is opposite.
What is the difference between Chest AP X-Ray View and X-Ray Chest lateral view? 
In Chest AP X-Ray View, the patient has to face away from the x-ray tube while, in X-Ray Chest lateral view, the patient has to stand on the side of the x-ray tube.
Can Chest AP X-Ray View detect bronchitis? 
No, Chest AP X-Ray View cannot detect acute bronchitis.
Is Chest AP X-Ray View helpful to detect pneumonia?
Yes, Chest AP X-Ray View can detect pneumonia, but doctors might ask for some other definitive tests too.
How much does a Chest AP X-Ray View cost?
An Chest AP X-Ray View costs between 150 Rs. to 300 Rs depending on the lab you are opting for the test.
Is Chest AP X-Ray View helpful to detect tuberculosis?
No, tuberculosis cannot be detected by Chest AP X-Ray View alone. It needs some special tests too.
Disclaimer: The content is uniquely informative and is meant for educational use. Kindly use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified or registered healthcare provider.
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