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What is the process to book a Mantoux Blood Test in Chennai?
What is the Mantoux test used For?
The TST, or Mantoux test, is the most popular method for detecting latent tuberculosis infection. It involves injecting a certain amount of an internationally standardised pure protein derivative (PPD) of tuberculin into the skin.
Mantoux test procedure?
The Mantoux test checks for Tuberculosis infection in your body
- The Mantoux test does not require an overnight fast.
- This test involves injecting 0.1 ml of tuberculin PPD into the skin of the forearm with a special syringe called, tuberculin syringe. Post injection of the liquid into the skin, you may notice a small bump or elevation around 5-10 mm on your forearm. You may feel a sting like any other blood test.
- The skin reaction is read between 48 and 72 hrs. The diameter of the swelling is measured and interpreted as positive, negative or indeterminate.
How to prepare for the Mantoux test?
Before test | During test |
It is not mandatory to fast for 8-10 hours before the test. | There might be slight pain and redness on the forearm where the liquid is injected into the skin. However, these symptoms will go away quickly. |
Things to do after the Mantoux test?
- Don’t use a bandage or tape to conceal the area.
- Take care not to scratch or rub it.
- Use a cool cloth on the irritated spot if it itches.
- You can wash and dry your arm gently.
How long does it take to get the Mantoux test results?
Once the tuberculin liquid is injected into the forearm, Swelling dimensions are taken between 48-72 hrs. . After the testing is completed, the Mantoux test results will be available on the app for download after 72 hours.
Is the Mantoux test a definitive test?
The Mantoux test is not a definitive test. It helps in identifying if the person is infected with tuberculosis infection. It does not indicate if the person has tuberculosis disease or not
Why book a Mantoux test in Chennai ?
- The Mantoux test is considered a useful tool for tuberculosis screening (TB). This test aids in the detection of tuberculosis infection as well as tuberculosis diagnosis. Individuals infected with this virus may or may not show any symptoms of the condition. This is known as latent tuberculosis, and the Mantoux test can help discover it.
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Frequently asked questions | FAQs
Can I avail at-home sample collection in Kolathur, Chennai? 
Yes, through the MFine mobile app, you can avail of a Double Marker Test all from the comfort of your home.
How long do you have to wait between 2 Step TB test?
The 2-Step test is recommended for initial skin testing of adults and the optimal time for testing would be to complete the 2 tests within 1-4 weeks of each other.
What is a Mantoux test?
The Mantoux test is considered a useful tool for tuberculosis screening (TB). This test aids in the detection of tuberculosis infection as well as tuberculosis diagnosis. Individuals infected with this virus may or may not show any symptoms of the condition. This is known as latent tuberculosis, and the Mantoux test can help discover it.
What affects the Mantoux test results?
Test result can be affected by Past infection from TB, previous BCG (TB) vaccination, immunosuppressant drugs, previous history of organ transplant, HIV infection.
What is the Mantoux test normal readings?
The reference range may differ depending on your gender, age, medical history, and current condition, among other factors.
What should be avoided during the Mantoux test?
To take up the Mantoux screening test, no fasting is required. No particular diet is required.
What is the confirmatory test for TB?
The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) or the TB blood test can be used to test for M. tuberculosis infection. Confirmation of TB requires additional tests. A Mantoux tuberculin test involves injecting a small amount of tuberculin under the skin of the lower arm.
How do you determine whether a Mantoux test is positive or negative?
The induration should be measured across the forearm, perpendicular to the axis between your hand and elbow. Several factors affect how the test is interpreted. An induration of fewer than 5 millimetres (mm) is considered a negative test result.
What is the most accurate test for tuberculosis?
The most commonly used diagnostic tool for tuberculosis is a skin test, though blood tests are becoming more commonplace. A small amount of a substance called tuberculin is injected just below the skin on the inside of your forearm. You should feel only a slight needle prick.
Does a positive result on the Mantoux test mean one has TB?
The results of a tuberculin skin test (e.g. Mantoux test) may indicate the presence of M. Tuberculosis but does not necessarily imply active TB disease. further investigation is required in an event where one tested positive using Mantoux.
What happens if a TB skin test is injected too deep?
If the injection is injected too deep then it will produce inadequate results if the needle angle is too deep or too shallow.