Book MRI Brain with Contrast in Noida
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Lab Infrastructure in Noida
The overall healthcare system of Noida has undergone discrete changes in the past few decades to support the disease burden prevalent in the city. The hospitals and healthcare centres have introduced several novel innovative tools that are widely utilised for the diagnosis of the disease.
Common diseases reported in Noida are diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, and kidney ailments that take a heavy toll on the health. Communicable diseases common in Noida are vector-borne diseases (Dengue, chikungunya, and malaria) amongst all other seasonal diseases
The hospitals and the diagnostic centres have collaboratively introduced optimum treatment strategies for the population. The city has witnessed the emergence of several private and government laboratories in the past few decades. These laboratories comprise specialised personnel standardised methodologies that attempt to deduce appropriate test results.
More than 200 commercial and governmental hospitals and various certified labs such as Saral advanced diagnostics lab, CD Diagnostics, as well as more than 150 diagnostic clinics oversee Noida’s healthcare system.
Why book an MRI Brain with Contrast Test?
A functional MRI (fMRI) of the brain is important for those who may have to undergo brain surgery. An MRI Brain with a contrast test can target regions of the brain responsible for speech and language and bodily movement. It achieves this by detecting metabolic changes that take place in your brain while you execute particular activities.
A head MRI may be used to assess whether or not you have suffered any brain damage as a result of a stroke or other head injury. Your doctor may also order an MRI of the head to look into symptoms such as:
- Blurry vision
- Changes in thinking or behavior
- Chronic headaches
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Seizures
What all tests are included in an MRI Brain with Contrast Test?
MRI brain contrast measures blood flow in your brain to determine which parts of your brain become active while you do certain activities. An MRI can detect brain problems such as the effects of a stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, or a traumatic brain injury, among other conditions.
It may also be utilized for brain mapping if you need brain surgery due to epilepsy or a brain tumor. In addition, your doctor may use the results of this test to help you plan your therapy.
An MRI of the brain and spinal cord may be used to detect a variety of conditions, including:
- Damage to the blood vessels, including an aneurysm (a bulging or weakened blood vessel in the brain)
- Stroke
- Trauma to the Brain Cancer
- Trauma to the spinal cord tumor
What preparation is required for an MRI Brain with Contrast Test?
Fasting restrictions and eating precautions before the exam are determined by the specific examinations and rules of the testing institution. It is recommended that you check with your doctor before having the scan. Fear of confined places or severe anxiety may need the use of medication to relax and keep movement to a minimum.
However, if you have a phobia of being in a small place or are anxious, you may want to consider taking some sedatives before your brain MRI. The use of sedation may result in vomiting, with the possibility of aspiration of stomach contents, necessitating the need to fast after that.
If you need to have an oral or intravenous contrast material administered during your scan, you should fast for 4-6 hours before the procedure. In addition, you may be required to bring blood tests to check your urea and creatinine levels.
What is the Average Cost of an MRI Brain with Contrast Test in Noida ?
The cost of this test depends on the city, the lab partner, the specific recommendations made by the physician, and some other factors. The average cost of an MRI brain contrast test in Noida is usually between Rs. 1500 to Rs. 6000. We highly recommend looking up the actual cost at the time of booking the appointment.
How to Book MRI Brain with Contrast Test in Noida?
For further assistance
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a doctor's prescription mandatory for an MRI Brain with Contrast Test?
Yes, a doctor’s note is mandatory for getting an MRI Brain with Contrast Test done.
Are there any discounts running on MFine for MRI Brain with Contrast Test? 
You can avail of up to 50% discount on MFine for MRI Brain with Contrast Tests. This may vary based on your location and the preferred lab partner.
Will I get a report analysis after the test? 
Yes, your report analysis will be done by an expert doctor for free on the MFine app.
Are there any packages available on MFine for scans? 
Yes, there is the Healthy Heart Package and Complete Pollution Package that you can avail of through MFine. These packages include multiple scans to detect problems or diseases.
Can I reschedule my appointment? 
Yes, you can reschedule your appointment. However, it is subject to the availability of slots.
How to interpret the MRI Brain with Contrast Test report? 
A radiologist will analyze the pictures. You will get a signed report from the radiologist, which will be sent to your primary care physician or referring physician, who will discuss the findings with you. You may also need a follow-up test.
What are the benefits of conducting an MRI Brain With Contrast Test? 
The prominent benefits that are associated with this test include –
- MRI is a non-invasive imaging technology that does not need the use of radiation to be effective.
- Neuroimaging (MRI) may assist clinicians in evaluating the anatomy of the brain, and in certain situations, it can also give functional information (fMRI).
- MR pictures of the brain and other cranial structures are crisper and more detailed than those obtained using conventional imaging techniques. Because of this detail, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a crucial tool in the early detection and assessment of a wide range of disorders, including cancers.
- Compared to conventional imaging modalities, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may reveal abnormalities that would otherwise be missed.
- The gadolinium contrast material used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is less likely than the iodine-based contrast materials used in x-rays and CT scanning to elicit an allergic response.
Is it possible to detect a brain tumor with an MRI without contrast? 
CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head, with and without contrast material, are routinely utilised for the initial diagnosis of brain tumors in the United States. Brain cancers may be detected with excellent sensitivity using standard T1- and T2-weighted MRIs.
Is it possible to tell if a tumor is cancerous based on an MRI? 
Some tumors may be detected and pinpointed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan with contrast dye is the most effective method of detecting brain and spinal cord malignancies. In addition, doctors may sometimes identify whether a tumor is cancerous or not by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Is an MRI Brain with Contrast safe? 
Gadolinium, the contrast agent used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is regarded safe for the majority of individuals despite the minimal risk of adverse effects and allergic responses. The use of contrast in an MRI for pregnant women and those with renal illness, on the other hand, might produce catastrophic complications.
What are the limitations of the MRI Brain with Contrast Test? 
Some common limitations recognised during the general MRI Brain with Contrast Test are as under:
- High-quality photographs are dependent on your ability to maintain absolute stillness and adhere to breath-holding instructions while the images are being captured and processed. If you are worried, disoriented, or have insignificant pain, it may be difficult for you to remain still throughout the imaging procedure.
- Someone may have difficulty fitting into some MRI equipment. This is because the scanners are limited in their ability to accommodate large objects.
- Obtaining good photographs of implants and other metallic items may be challenging when working with metal. A similar effect may be achieved by moving the patient.
- The clarity of photographs may be compromised if the heartbeat is very erratic. This is because certain imaging modalities time the image depending on the heart’s electrical activity.
What might affect MRI Brain with Contrast Test results? 
Some things may cause burns or become dangerous projectiles if they come into contact with the magnetic field of the MRI machine. The following products are examples of such goods:
- Jewelery, watches, credit cards, and hearing aids, all of which may be harmed by damaged pins, hairpins, metal zippers, and other similar metallic objects, which can cause MRI pictures to be distorted.
- Disposable dental work pens, pocketknives, and eyeglasses are examples of such items.
- Piercings on the body
- Mobile phones, electronic watches, and tracking devices are examples of such devices.
What is the purpose of a blood test before an MRI?
Depending on whether your MRI may need the injection of a contrast agent, blood tests may be required before your MRI to ensure that your kidneys are functioning properly. If you have claustrophobic anxiety or feel discomfort while resting on your back, inform your doctor before the day of your MRI appointment.
How long does it take to get a brain MRI with contrast? 
An MRI procedure takes between 30 and 60 minutes on average. If a contrast agent is used, the examination may take longer.
What is the difference between contrast and non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?
The fundamental difference between contrast and non-contrast MRIs is that a dye (gadolinium-based) is administered intravenously to the patient before the scan. Non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an excellent alternative for people for whom dye is not indicated, pregnant women, and patients with renal disease.