Book PSA Test in Kolkata
Avail PSA Test in Kolkata through MFine. You can book your PSA test from the reputed lab partners of MFine and get samples collected from your doorstep. Post your PSA Test sample collection; the test reports will be available for download within the next 48 hours. PSA Test is usually recommended when a male experiences a burning sensation while urinating, pain or difficulty in urinating, an increased urge to urinate, blood in urine or semen, and severe pain in the hips, lower back, and thighs.
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How to book a PSA Test in Kolkata?
Lab infrastructure in Kolkata
- Being a metropolitan city, the extent of lifestyle diseases is much larger in Kolkata, for example, obesity, depression, and mental health. Diseases like diabetes, asthma, goitre, anaemia are also very common, along with malaria, dengue, and chikungunya.
- Kolkata has a well-built health care system with the best infrastructure and technology. There are a number of private as well as government laboratories and hospitals across the city.
- Being more developed compared to many other cities in India, people here have the privilege to access healthcare resources without a lot of struggle.
- Residents need to realise they should not be unaware or ignorant in case they face any symptoms related to any disease. Being quick in action in getting themselves tested and treated can significantly improve their chances of a faster recovery.
Why book a PSA Test?
- To diagnose if there is a prostate tumour in the body of males.
- To check and monitor whether the treatment is taken for an existing prostate tumour is effective or not by assessing the growth of the prostate tumour.
- To measure and monitor the increase in levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the body over the normal range.
- To diagnose any disorders resulting from the increase in PSA, cancerous and non-cancerous.
- To detect the cause of why the prostate gland has enlarged.
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What does the PSA Test measure?
- PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) is secreted by the prostate epithelial cells present in the male reproductive system. It usually forms a part of the semen. A much lower amount is also present as a part of blood.
- In the case of a disease or disorder related to PSA in men, an increased amount of PSA is secreted into the blood, which is tested in the PSA test. This could be due to either non-cancerous conditions such as inflammation and enlargement or cancerous conditions such as prostate cancer.
- The PSA test measures the levels of prostate-specific antigen in the blood in the body of males and detects whether there are any deviations from the normal range so that further action can be taken.
What preparation is needed for PSA test?
- This test must be taken before the DRE (digital rectal examination)
- In case of a prostate biopsy test that has been performed earlier, do wait for several weeks before moving ahead with PSA as the biopsy affects your PSA levels and can give false results.
- Avoid ejaculation as it may increase your PSA levels; thus, it should be avoided before proceeding with sample collection.
- Avoid intense physical activities like biking or exercising shouldn't be done before sample collection.
- If the doctor has given specific guidelines, they should be followed religiously before you go for the test. Also, the doctor should be made aware of any medicines and supplements that you are already consuming.
What happens to your test sample?
What do abnormal results indicate?
The variations in age, medications, health and hereditary conditions make it very difficult to choose a specific reference range suitable for all men.
But, talking about what is usually done, the doctors choose the reference range of 4 ng/mL. So in case, the level goes beyond 4 ng/ml, the results are certified as abnormal by the doctor. It can indicate any of the following conditions impacting the prostate gland.
- Cancerous disease like a prostate tumour
- Prostatitis
- Benign prostate hyperplasia
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I avail at-home sample collection in Kolkata? 
With a single click, without going anywhere, a slot can be booked on the MFine app. At-home samples can be easily availed of for any tests required to be done. The test results are also delivered to your doorstep, making it even more convenient.
What is the cost of the PSA Test in Kolkata? 
The cost for the PSA test varies across different cities. Within the city also, it varies across different laboratories depending upon the infrastructure and technology that they use. On average, it ranges from Rs 500 to Rs 900 per person.
I stay in Pune. Can I book a PSA Test for my uncle staying in Kolkata? 
The procedure for booking for somebody else remains as easy as it would have been if you booked it for yourself. So, you can easily book a PSA test for your relatives and old family members living in distant places with the help of the MFine app.
How can I reschedule my appointment for the PSA Test? 
The MFine app has an option to reschedule the sample collection date and time. The option is very direct and easy to access, making the rescheduling procedure very easy. So yes, you can easily reschedule the appointment for a PSA test through the MFine app.
Is the lab technician coming for PSA Test sample collection vaccinated? 
Yes. Our lab technicians are fully vaccinated. Further, they also ensure safety throughout by wearing a mask and using sanitiser and gloves during sample collection.
When is the PSA test recommended? 
The PSA test is usually recommended when the doctor suspects conditions such as prostate cancer, prostatitis, or prostatic hyperplasia caused by the inflammation and enlargement of the prostate gland. These are suspected if the patient suffers from symptoms such as difficulty, pain, and burning sensation in urination, frequent urges to urinate, and pain in the lower back, hips, and thighs.
Is a prescription required to book a PSA Test? 
There is no need for a prescription from a registered doctor to take the PSA test. It is usually recommended by the doctor.
Does MFine provide result interpretation along with the reports? 
Yes. MFine provides result interpretation along with the reports. Also, you will be able to avail a free doctor consultation after the lab test to understand your reports accurately. Our doctor will also advise and prescribe medicines if required based on the results.
Is the PSA Test definitive? 
The PSA test is not definitive. The test results test can be unreliable sometimes, and other tests may need to be done along with it. Also, this would just detect the increase in levels of PSA, but to further understand the disorder in detail, such as the cause and cure, a prostate biopsy might need to be performed.
What are other tests usually recommended along with the PSA Test? 
Other tests usually recommended along with the PSA test to detect prostate cancer are Prostate Health Index, 4Kscore test, PCA3 tests, and ConfirmMDx.
What diseases can be detected through the PSA Test? 
- Non-cancerous disorders like acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, enlarged prostate due to hormonal changes or age-related factors, and other urological infections are detected through PSA tests.
- Every male with increased PSA levels might not have cancer.
- Prostate cancer in men can be detected through the PSA test.
How can I download my PSA Test report? 
- Login to MFine
- Go to your profile
- Click Attachment and Reports
- Click Lab Report and download the same
Are there any discount offers running on PSA Test in Kolkata? 
Usually, you can avail of up to a 50% discount on the PSA test through MFine. However, the discount and test price may vary based on lab partner and location.