Cost of Ultrasound Test in India
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What is an ultrasound?
An ultrasound is a non-invasive medical procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the organs inside your body. Also known as sonography, it is safer than other tests because it uses sound waves instead of radiation to create images. An ultrasound is conducted to detect issues in your abdomen, heart, kidney, liver, or tissues without making any cuts on your body. The image produced after the procedure called a sonogram helps doctors diagnose medical conditions and assists in certain biopsies.
Why is an ultrasound done?
While one of the primary uses of an ultrasound is to give a pregnant mother an image of their child, ultrasound is also used for the following reasons:
- Abnormalities in the abdomen, liver, kidneys, tissues, joints, ovaries, testes, gallbladder.
- Monitor the growth and development of a foetus.
- Diagnose medical conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow.
- Diagnose swelling and pain in the abdominal region.
- Detect potential cysts or lumps in the body.
- Examine and evaluate hips, brain, and spine of infants.
- Guide surgeons during needle biopsies to remove a sample tissue for testing.
- Evaluate increased, decreased blood flow and blood clots.
- Diagnose heart conditions and evaluate the heart after a heart attack.
Who should get an ultrasound done?
Men and women of all ages experiencing any pain or swelling in the abdominal, kidney, or any organ in the body are eligible for an ultrasound. Pregnant women can also get an ultrasound done to confirm their pregnancy, monitor the baby’s growth, and keep an eye out for any potential diseases in the baby.
Disclaimer: It is advised to always consult your doctor to interpret the test reports.
What precautions should I take?
- Please follow the instructions suggested by your doctor.
- Inform if one is on any medications or if undergoing any treatment presently.
- Show your old reports, if any.
- Inform if one is pregnant / breast-feeding / menstruating.
What does an ultrasound measure?
Ultrasound provides a complete image of the concerned organ or part of the body to help doctors assess, evaluate and diagnose the medical condition.
What all tests are included in the ultrasound?
The type of ultrasound you get done depends on the organ or area of the body. If you are experiencing abdominal pain, swelling, or are pregnant, then an ultrasound for the whole abdomen is recommended. If you face issues in your kidney or bladders, an ultrasound KUB (kidney, urethra, and bladders) is recommended.
Ultrasound Preparation
The preparation required for an ultrasound depends on the body’s organ that needs to be examined.
- For an abdominal ultrasound, your doctor may recommend fasting for up to 12 hours before the test to ensure no food blockages during the test.
- If you are pregnant or need to examine your reproductive organs, your doctor will recommend that you drink lots of water till your bladder is full for better visualization.
- If you are conducting an ultrasound of your spleen, gallbladder, or liver, your doctor may ask you to eat a low-fat or fat-free diet the night before the test and fast till the test is conducted.
- Inform your doctor about any prescription or over-the-counter medications you are taking.
- Wear loose clothes and remove any jewelry and personal items before the test.
Ultrasound Procedure
Before the test, the ultrasound technician may ask you to remove certain articles of clothing or ask you to change into a hospital gown. Your lab technician will ask you to follow a set of instructions for a smooth process. The general process requires you to lie down on the table face-up. The technician applies gel on the particular area, preventing air from forming between the transducer and the skin. The transducer is moved around a specific area. It sends high-frequency sound waves, which help create the image on the video screen. Once the test is complete, the technician will wipe off the gel.
What to expect after the ultrasound is done?
An ultrasound takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour and is painless. After the test is complete, your technician will ask you to get dressed and wait for the results. Once the results are out, your doctor will review them and share them with you. You can resume your normal activities instantly after the results.
When will I get the ultrasound report?
After the test is conducted, you will receive the ultrasound report within 24 hours. If your doctor diagnoses an abnormality after reviewing your sonogram, your doctor may recommend further diagnostic tests such as an MRI or CT scan for further examination. Once all the tests are done, and your doctor can diagnose the condition, the doctor may start your treatment immediately.
Disclaimer: The time of lab reports may vary based on your condition and the availability of the radiologist.
How will I get the ultrasound report?
Once the results are out, your lab technician may email it directly or ask you to pick it up from the lab itself. You can also access your reports from the MFine portal. If the technician detects any abnormality, they may send the report to your doctor for further reviewing. Post examination, your doctor may ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the results and possible treatment options in case of an abnormality.
How to interpret the ultrasound report?
The trained ultrasound technician or the doctor interprets your results by analyzing the images. Once the analysis is done, they will send a signed report to the doctor to discuss the results with you in detail.
Is there any risk involved?
No, ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create the images, it makes a safer option compared to other tests such as CT scans. These tests involve one being exposed to radiation, so it is a great way of monitoring a child’s development in the stomach. If you are undergoing endoscopic ultrasound, you may experience a certain amount of discomfort as the technician inserts the tube through your mouth and into your digestive tract.
What equipment or instruments are used for an ultrasound?
An ultrasound machine is used to generate the image of the particular organ. The machine consists of three components: a video monitor, computer console, and a transducer. A transducer is a handheld device that sends sound waves into the body and waits for the echo. The ultrasound technician applies a special gel on the body part, allowing the sound waves to travel back and forth. Based on the pitch, time, and loudness for the echoes to return to the transducer, the image is formed on the video screen.
How long does an ultrasound take?
A typical ultrasound test takes between 30 to 60 minutes. Some ultrasounds such as vascular (blood vessels) imaging, take up to 60 minutes due to their detailed imaging.
How do I book an ultrasound through MFine?
For further assistance
Frequently asked questions
Who does the ultrasound test?
The ultrasound is conducted by a doctor or a trained sonographer. A sonographer is a medical professional trained in conducting ultrasound examinations and provides an initial interpretation of the images to the radiologist. The radiologist, in turn, evaluates the images on the screen and asks you about the symptoms before sending a final report to your doctor.
Where is an ultrasound conducted?
An ultrasound is conducted in a hospital or a diagnostic laboratory or a center.
What are the benefits of doing an ultrasound?
Some of the benefits of doing an ultrasound are that it is a non-invasive procedure and does not require making a cut or inserting a needle. Ultrasound is safe due to using sound waves to create images rather than radiation. It is inexpensive and provides real-time imaging to you. Lastly, ultrasounds are a great way to diagnose medical conditions and assist in needle biopsies.
Are there any side effects of doing an ultrasound?
No. Sometimes, patients may report tenderness in the examined area which does not last beyond the first hour of the test.
Why does the bladder need to be full for an ultrasound?
Having a full bladder allows the intestines and ovaries to move out of the way and pushes up the uterus for better visualisation.
Is an ultrasound better than other types of tests?
Every test is different and serves a purpose. Doing various tests allows your doctor to give you a detailed and accurate diagnosis. What makes an ultrasound a safe test is that it does not use radiation to create the images. Thus, making it very safe for pregnant women and their children.
Can prescribed medication be taken before the ultrasound?
Consult your doctor and inform them about your medication. They will let you know whether you should take the medication or not before the ultrasound.
Why does a doctor recommend eating a low-fat meal the evening before the ultrasound?
A low-fat meal is recommended for people who are doing an ultrasound of their gallbladder. This is done because the gallbladder squeezes any food or drink containing fat. This may make it difficult to get a clear image and diagnose the issue if any.
Why do some ultrasound tests require fasting a few hours before the test?
Your doctor may ask you to fast 8 to 12 hours before an abdominal ultrasound. This is because food may create gas in the stomach, making it difficult to obtain a clear image of the abdomen and make it difficult for the sonographer to interpret the images.
How many ultrasound tests are done during pregnancy?
Usually, minimum two ultrasound tests are done during pregnancy. The first one is done in the first trimester to confirm the due date of the baby and the second one is done in the second trimester to check the development of the baby and the sex of the baby. Based on the mother’s health and pregnancy history, the number of ultrasound tests vary.
What is a limited ultrasound test?
A limited ultrasound focuses on a specific aspect of pregnancy, such as the child’s position. It does not give a detailed understanding of the baby’s sex or health but only answers a specific problem related to the pregnancy.
What is a specialized ultrasound test?
A specialized ultrasound is conducted to address any issues or problems based on other tests. If the fetus is not thriving, the growth rate of the foetus is tracked using a specialised ultrasound such as 3D ultrasonography.
Will medical insurance pay for the ultrasound?
You should consult with your insurance provider for this information. If the ultrasound is deemed medically necessary, your insurance provider may pay for it.
Is ultrasound safe for the child during pregnancy?
There are no risks associated with ultrasound tests as it uses sound waves to create images of the abdomen.
What are the limitations of doing a general ultrasound exam?
Ultrasound cannot be used to see the lungs because it is filled with air which may disrupt the creation of the image. Ultrasound cannot be used to diagnose any bone diseases because it cannot penetrate the dense bones. It can only detect any growths or infections on the outer surface of the bones. That is why an MRI or CT scan is used to see the inside of the bones.
Disclaimer: The content is uniquely informative and is meant for educational use. Kindly use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified or registered healthcare provider.
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